Memory methods references

Peek( [ Addr ], [ Shift ], [ variable ] )

Reads a memory address into a variable. Peek($D800, #0, a);

Poke( [ Addr ], [ Shift ], [ value ] )

Writes a variable / value into a memory address. Poke($0400, #0, a+b);

MemCpy( [ Src Addr ], [ Shift ], [ Dst Addr], [ Count <#$FF ] )

Memory copy with shift. memcpy(sprite0data, #0, SPRITE_LOC1, #63);

MemCpyLarge( [ Src Addr ], [ Shift ], [ Dst Addr], [ Count ] )

Not yet implemented

Fill( [ Addr ], [ Value ], [ Count <#$FF ] )

Fills a memory location with a value. Fill($0400, #$20, #39); // Fill first screen row with space char

Swap( [ var a ], [ var b] );

Swaps two variables. Swap(a,b);