MoveTo( [ x ] , [ y], [ addr hi bit ] );
Moves the TRSE screen cursor to position x,y (40*y+x) relative to the address provided. For instance, to move to the default screen position ($0400) on bank 0, use MoveTo(x,y, $04). To position the cursor at the position of color ram, MoveTo(x,y, $D8 ); Constants will be added later.
PokeScreen( [ val ] , [ count<#$ff] );
Write the value to the current screen cursor position [ count] times. PokeScreen(charactervalue, #5) // write 5 times.
IncScreenX( [ val ] );
Increase the screen cursor position by [val]. IncscreenX(a+b);
ScrollX( [ val ] );
Scroll x-register 0-7 bytes
ScrollY( [ val ] );
Scroll y-register 0-7 bytes
HideBorderY( [ on = 1, off=0 ]);
Disables / enables displaying of row 0/24 on the screen. Name will change.
HideBorderX( [ on = 1, off=0 ]);
Not yet implemented.
CopyHalfScreen( [ Src addr], [ Dst addr], [ no rows (*40)], [inverted =1,0] );
Copies N * 40 rows from one memory location to another. Inverted means that the highest memory rows will be copied first, while non-inverted means that the first rows are copied first. For faster screen copying during banking.
CopyHalfScreen($0400, $4400 + 40 ,#12, #1); // Copies 12 lines from bank 1 screen position upper half to bank 1 shifted 1 row down
CopyFullScreen( [ Src addr], [ Dst addr] );
Copies 1000 bytes (1 screen) from src to dst.
PrintString( [ string ], [ unused ]);
Prints a string at the current screen cursor positions as defined by MoveTo. For example
MoveTo(#10,#10, #$04);
will print “UGH!” at position 10,10
PrintNumber( [ val<$FF ]);
Prints a number at the current screen cursor positions as defined by MoveTo. Currently only displays numbers in hex.
ClearScreen( [ val] , [ addr] );
Fills 1000 bytes of [ val ] at the given address. For instance, clearing the screen at $0400 with spaces:
ClearScreen(#$20, SCREEN_CHAR_LOC);