Turbo Rascal Syntax error, “;” expected but “BEGIN” runs as a stand-alone application on windows, linux and OS X.
Click here for a detailed list on how to set up each of the supported systems in TRSE (recommended emulators, assemblers etc).
You need to go through four hard-core tasks before being able to compile programs for TRSE :
- Procure your favorite emulator, such as vice(C64/C128/PET/PLUS4/VIC20), mednafen(NES,Game boy), fs-uae (Amiga) Hatari (Atari ST). See this link for an extended introduction to recommended emulators.
- Open the Settings page of TRSE and select the location of the emulators (like, x64.exe for VICE)
- For M6809/M68k/Gameboy/X86 systems, set the path of the assembler (etc vasm for the m68k, nasm for DOS, rgbasm for gameboy). TRSE contains a built-in assembler for the 6502 and Z80.
- Start with the tutorial projects : First select a system, then double click on a a project to load.
- If you’re new to TRSE, be sure to start with the “language introduction” section in the “C64/Main tutorials” project!
How to compile
The TRSE editor will display all valid files in the current project directory, which includes the following file types
- .RAS : Turbo Rascal source files
- .ASM : Compiled assembler files
- .TRU : Turbo Rascal Unit file. TRSE (user) library source files.
- .PAW : TRSE Packing & disk file
- .FLF : TRSE image format (sprites, charsets, images, amiga, C64, VIC-20)
- .FJO : Ray tracer source files.
- .TRT: Turbo Rascal Tracker (music) file
To open a file, double click it.
To compile a RAS file, press ctrl+B to build and ctrl+R to run (which will also build first). The compile step first produces Dasm .ASM files, before compiling the PRG to a PRG file.
ctrl-U generates a complete memory map of the current project. Here’s an example from the tutorial game Rogue Burger One: