
Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 13.18.21

VolClouds is a true volumetric cloud renderer for Unity that produces realistic-looking shaded 3D clouds using the GPU. As VolClouds is GPU-heavy, mobile use is not recommended.

This asset will be released in August 2016.

How it works:

VolClouds is a shader that is a assigned to a material. The shader ray-traces clouds between two imaginary planes, so all that is required is an enclosed sphere with the given material assigned. This sphere should be centered around the camera, and should be large enough to be drawn in the background (e.g. behind a landscape). The sphere should be toggled as not casting & receiving shadows.

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Clouds variations (plane heights, composition, colours, densities, scales etc) are set directly on the material, either via the inspector or in script.

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Subtract: Specifies the percentage of the sky to be filled with clouds


Scale: Specifies the overall size of the clouds


Density: Defines how much light is penetrated, increased density yields darker patches


Hardness: Defines how “soft” the clouds are


Distance: Defines how far from the camera the clouds are visible


Scattering: Defines whether large scale or small scale perturbations define the clouds.


Brightness: Intensity of the clouds


Sunglare: Defines how much the sun affects nearby clouds (when looking directly at)
